I know I haven't been around...I've been flying and running all over the country...we'll catch up on that later.
I'd like to announce two important things, along with my 2017 running challenge.
You all know that I am a Hall of Fame member with the Rock N Roll Marathon Series because I completed 15 races of at least a half marathon in one calendar year.
Well....they have chosen me to be a Rock N Blogger to represent them for 2017 in their races along with whatever else I may do.
ALSO...you all know how much Glukos has changed my running game. I have bragged about this product since I discovered it and used it in the RnR Seattle half marathon to set my PR.
Well, they have asked me to be a Brand Ambassador for their product. I am in complete heaven. I ran a "taper" half marathon right before the RnR New Orleans Marathon (that's ONE of THREE for the year) and I just love how about 10 minutes after I have a gel, I can feel it going through my legs and pushing me past my comfort pace. I love that I'm hitting sub-10 minute miles on the back half of that 13 coming down from the Golden Gate Bridge. OK, it's downhill, and I'm old, but you know what--I'M DOING A SUB-10 MINUTE MILE!!!! A few times. In San Francisco. HILLS!!
Yeah, that works.
I'd really like to thank the Rock N Roll Series for picking me to represent them. I think that I represent an important niche--an older woman who is in no means an athlete, but who wants to feel welcome in a sport where she can excel on her own terms and at her own pace without being judged. We do what we can when we can, and we welcome the opportunity to be celebrated and appreciated for our accomplishments. This is an opportunity for those of us who travel for a living to keep fit, and for those of us who want to travel to find a reason and stay fit at while pursuing our travel ambitions.
And now for the challenge...
I'm a 1K member with my favorite airline, United. They are sponsoring the RnR DC and SF races, which I will be running, and you can bet that getting to and from the DC race will be the subject of my next blog. Stay tuned!!
My challenge is to keep my 1K status, which requires me to fly 100,000 miles a year, as well as run 1000 miles a year and maintain my Hall of Fame with the RnR Marathon Series.
So, we essentially have 1K squared.
Let's do it!!
Miles Run: 126.7
Miles Flown: 21,445
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