Monday, June 10, 2019

Seeing The World One Race at a Time

I'm behind in my blogging because I've been running around The World, but I wanted to share this article that United Airlines published on their online website, The Hub:

Seeing The World One Race at a Time

I established my loyalty to United Airlines about five years ago when I started traveling heavily for work.  Time and time again, the people at United have delivered me safely to wherever it was that I needed to be and I'm happy to see the partnership between United and Rock 'n' Roll grow over the years.  There's nothing like running a marathon then grabbing your gear and heading to the airport to see that you've been upgraded for your flight home...or to work...or to your next race.

I just finished RnR Seattle and for the first time in months, my asthma didn't act up.  My legs are a little stiff, but that is expected after a one mile long hill climb.

I can't wait to get back to regular training.  With the Spring pollen gone I'm looking to enjoy training along Lake Michigan again and maybe set a new PR at an upcoming race.

I'm hoping to run all five of United's Hub races this year and earn this gorgeous medal!  You can earn it, too, by completing just two of the five hubs!  RnR Chicago and RnR Denver are pretty easy to get to, and why not join me for RnR Chengdu??

Want a discount for any 2019 RnR race?  Use the codes below for all races in the US and Montreal.

See you on the course.

Life is Good.
Life is Better when you make it through another spring allergy season!!!