Happy New Year!
OK, I'm a little late, but work and bronchitis has had me sidelined these past few weeks and I haven't run in over two months. Ooops! Sorry!!!
I'm starting this running year with a sad announcement: I won't be pursuing the coveted
Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame medal this year, which is earned by completing at least 15 races of a half marathon or more in one calendar year. I've had to take a look at my finances after the past three years of being a HoF recipient, and unless Oscar and the folks at
United Airlines are going to help me with travel to
China to run there, my work schedule will not permit me to travel as much as required to keep my high status in the running community.
That said, I wanted to reflect on all the wonderful races I've had with
The Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series. People regularly ask me what races are my favorite over the years and it's really difficult to make a list of which races are the best and why.
My 2018 medals collection |
What makes RnR so special is that each race is a weekend vacation--a runcation as we call it. It's an opportunity to travel to a place that I might not have ever thought to go, having a few days to explore the town, culture, tourist stops and my favorite parts--the FOOD and MUSIC. Combine good food with an opportunity to run off the calories while listening to great music? Absolutely! This is what makes RnR so great and why it has a global presence that is expanding.
So....which races are my favorites? I'm glad you asked.
Below are my Five Favorites, which were difficult to rank. I look forward to hearing if you agree with me and which ones are your favorites.
Honorable Mention: Lisbon (Lisboa)

I had read about Lisbon in a copy of United's in-flight magazine,
Hemispheres, which featured a woman running in front of a castle and body of water. I found the picture inspiring, so I read the
article, found out that the castle was the Torre de Belem, and that the food there was legendary, especially the Pasteis de Nata. These little custard tarts are quite possibly the best sweets on the planet.
After doing a bit of research, I saw that there was a Rock 'n' Roll event there, so I signed up!

Lisbon gets an HM because it is no longer part of the Rock N Roll Marathon Series. Lisbon was the first race I ran in a country where English was not the primary language. While this presented the expected challenges, I found myself falling in love with the people of Portugal for their exceptional hospitality and strong desire to welcome everyone to their country.
I ran the half marathon in 2016 and had hoped to come back and run the full as it follows the coastline and has some breathtaking views. Sadly, I didn't get a chance to come back and since that it isn't part of the RnR Series anymore, it is doubtful that I will make the trip. I did, however, recreate the picture that inspired me to travel there, and it was even featured in the magazine a few months later.
But maybe I'll run it again for the food...did I mention the food???
5. San Francisco (Old Course)
That's a PR smile! |
I debated putting this course in because of the changes to the route. I loved the old course that started in Golden Gate Park and ran through the Presidio before crossing the Golden Gate Bridge and ending at Civic Center. As a 20-year resident of San Francisco, when I first started running, I trained along the course there and never tired of the breathtaking views. And I love hills. So much that my half PR is still in San Francisco at this race and unless I really train hard, it will probably hold steady for the rest of my running career.
And then there's the Golden Gate Bridge. Most people run this race specifically because it crosses the GG Bridge and has those amazing views. I have always had a love/hate relationship with that bridge, and if you have followed my blog over the years, you know why.
The course has now changed, following along Fisherman's Wharf and back, but it still crosses the GG Bridge, so I might just run the new course this year and see how I feel about it. Now that I live in Chicago, I sure miss those hills and the views at the top. And I miss a good Dungenesss Crab and garlic noodles.
4. Nashville
Let's talk Crowd Support! The RnR Nashville will stand out in anyone's mind as the race where the fans show up en masse. From the infamous Mile 5 parties to the Finish Line Festival, the residents of Nashville and Rock 'n' Roll let you know why it's called the Music City.
Half or full next year? |
And the course? Beautiful. I've only run the half here, but as I mentioned earlier, I love hills and this course has them. It's a gentle roller coaster of hills that gradually goes uphill six or seven miles, then you run downhill the rest of the race. Hello, who doesn't love Negative Splits??
If you run this race, remember that you might want to get a few hours of sleep the night before. The live music is so good here you might catch yourself out Honky Tonkin' and two stepping up until it's time to switch those cowboy boots out for your running shoes!
And don't forget to eat lots and lots and lots of BBQ!
3. Savannah
Make that left for the full marathon! |
Savannah was my first full marathon. I didn't train for it. I didn't tell anyone I was doing it--I just laced up my shoes and "for no particular reason" doubled the amount of miles I had ever run before. Why? Why not.
Savannah is a Saturday race, with the
Remix Challenge on Sunday. If you don't know, a remix is a combination of two or more races over two days in the same city, such as a 5K or 10K on one day, and a half or full the next. Savannah reverses the usual days of these races, having the half/full on Saturday and both a 5K and 1 mile on Sunday. To make the "recovery" race on Sunday even...sweeter...you get a mini peach PIE when you cross the finish line! Seriously--a PEACH PIE!!!
My collection of remix medals |
The trick to running the full marathon in Savannah is the weather. Even though it's held in November, heat has caused the full marathon to be cancelled a few times so if you're set on a full marathon, keep this in mind. Now that I live in Chicago and it's usually below freezing and snowing at this time of year, I welcome the opportunity to be warm and run for a weekend in shorts and a tank top.
What I love about this course, especially the full, is the diversity of the neighborhoods you run through. Every part of society is represented here, and they are all out on the edges of the streets, cheering and celebrating everyone's accomplishments.

The only thing better than having a celebratory dozen or so oysters in Savannah after a big race is.......well.....having a dozen or so oysters in New Orleans.
2. New Orleans
Laissez les bons temps rouler!!
Let the good times roll!!
My 2nd Full Marathon |
New Orleans is one of my favorite cities to visit in The United States. The food. The music. The people. The...things you don't post on Instagram... This city has it all, any time, day or night. You want it? It's here. So naturally, it has a Rock N Roll Marathon.
I've run the half and the full here and love them both. The half stays more in the tourist areas, running through the French Quarter and along St. Charles Ave in the gorgeous Garden District before ending in City Park. The full splits off at the end of the half and continues up along the shore of Lake Pontchartrain and then back. If the race is early in the year--it changes because of Mardi Gras festivities--and it's not too hot I would definitely recommend running the full. It's a part of New Orleans not many visitors see, and it's humbling to remember the devastation that happened here in 2005 by Hurricane Katrina.
Getting the VIP Treatment |
I also recommend treating yourself to the VIP Experience at this race. Again, food and music rule this event, and what better way to enjoy yourself after a half or a full marathon than a private party with a hundred or so of your newest and closest friends? The sun will be out, the food will be great and the music will be incredible. Last year after the headliner played, a Zydeco band took the stage and not one person could hold still or even stay seated while they played well into the afternoon. Yup, even after running 13.1 or 26.2 miles, you will be up dancing, guaranteed.
And then make sure you stop at Felix's and get a dozen chargrilled oysters. Best in the world.
1. Liverpool
You'll Never Walk Alone.
This is the motto for the Liverpool Football Club, one that was adopted and modified by RnR for their shirts that read, "You'll never RUN alone." When you are on the course and aching, someone always checks on you. Someone is always there to see if you need a gel, some water, or even just some company. When you are at Mile 19 and your muscles are screaming and you want to quit, someone will always stay with you and help you finish. That is what is so special about the RnR running community...
You'll never run alone.
Liverpool was my third half marathon ever, and the first trip that I took outside North America by myself. It was also my third full marathon. Yes, I planned that.
Why is it my favorite? The people. For this race, you are going on vacation and just happen to be running a half or a full that starts after 9 AM on Sunday so that you have enough time to party at the Cavern Club (the place that made The Beatles famous) and get a good 6 hours or so of sleep before you go out and run. No 6 AM start times here.
What other race can you run
THROUGH a stadium? |
Another reason this race makes it top of my list? The scenery. If you run the full, you get to run THROUGH Anfield Stadium. If anyone knows about football (OK, soccer for the Americans) you know what a big deal this is, and in 2018, we could detour and get a picture in the Kop with the pitch in the background. You also run past the other football club in Liverpool, Everton, and it's fun to learn about the rivalry between the two clubs.

And then you get to run past some beautiful monuments, including the Liverpool Cathedral, the fifth largest cathedral in the world. Penny Lane? Yes, you get to run that, too, with the song playing on repeat for the full seven hours of the half/full. The race ends with the last few miles along the Mersey River, which might have you humming the song in your head whilst you run.
After the race and the Finish Line Festival, it's off to the Cavern Quarter for a few pints and more live music. I always like to visit
The Philharmonic Dining Rooms for some Bangers and Mash.
My first official football game
Liverpool vs. Manchester United |
Beatles. Football. History. Oh, and I get to run, too! How could this not be my favorite race? I've become a Liverpool Football Club supporter and this past December traveled to Liverpool to see them play their rivals, Manchester United, in a very exciting match! Bucket List--check!
I can't wait to go back and run this race for the 5th year. No way I'll miss this runcation. Will I see you there, too? Let me know!
I never would have had these experiences if it weren't for the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon series having races all over the world. Runcations have changed me into a Global Citizen, and I am thankful for the opportunity I have had to experience new places and cultures. If I can survive 26.2 miles, I can survive whatever the world has to throw at me. My love of running, food, and music will ensure that if I open my mind, I will always enjoy what is presented on the road in front of me.
I hope you have enjoyed my Favorite Five Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series list. I'd love to hear what your favorites are!
Life is Good.
Life is Better when you get to make memories all over the world.
See you on the course!